Apr 3, 2012

April cider sipping and bluegrass

We'll be sipping cider and playing bluegrass at Sutliff Cider from 3:00-5:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, April 29.  If it is a nice day we can all be outside the barn and enjoy spring weather.  It is the big barn located on the road that runs south from Lisbon to Sutliff.  Hope to see you there!

We still have some openings for 2012 but our schedule is filling up!  Contact us early if you'd like us to perform for you!  Our email address is next to the banjo near the top of the page.   See the types of gigs we do on the PERFORMANCE link to the right.

If you would like to join our mailing list for details of our schedule, send us an email at the above address to be added!