Jul 17, 2010

Ah the good ol' summertime!

On Saturday, July 17th we'll be playing at Solon, 1:00 to 3 :00 p.m.. in the band stand (no admission).  There is shade there, so bring your lawn chairs or blankets..  For those of you close by, this is your chance to hear us.  They have lots of music scheduled, parade, beer tent, beef dinner, and a load of events for kids and adults alike. Eat some of that good steak they serve up while you're there ... and check out their crazy t-shirts too!

The following Thursday night (July 22nd) Don, Dean and I (guitar/banjo/bass) will be doing a "bluegrass trio" from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the FDM in Hiawatha. We plan to kick back and have a good ol' time. A YUMMY menu is planned. BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIRS or blankets!

Thanks to the Kalona Bluegrass Fest folks for giving us some stage time last Friday night. It gave us a chance to let bluegrass fans in the area hear what we are all about. We had a fantastic jam session late Friday night at our campsite - and thanks to all the jammers for that!

Hope to see you on down the road!