Nov 11, 2010

Can't believe it is November

Who would have thought the weather would still be so beautiful in November?  I just hope Mother Nature isn't being nice to us now and planning to slam us with a horrible winter like last winter!

 Don, Dean and I went to the first Bluegrass Music Association of Iowa (BMAI) indoor bluegrass festival at Honey Creek Resort Rathbun Lake.  There was a good attendance and we saw a lot of our picking buddies.  We had a great time listening to the shows and jamming in the hallways.  Stayed up way too late, as usual.  (Photos are of Dean on banjo, and Don and Barb, taken by Lori King during the festival).

The three of us presented a bluegrass gospel concert for a church in Cedar Rapids for the "Young at Heart" group.  There is something very uplifting about singing gospel.  It was a pleasure to play for these folks although I wish we could have gotten them to sing along with us more on the good old hymns.  They gave us a good meal and even a pumpkin table decoration.  Thanks very much for having us!

We're taking a hiatus for a while, to relax, catch up on projects put off during the summer in favor of bluegrass, and work on new music for the 2011 season. 

2010 has been kind to us with all the bookings and we all really had a fun time. Hope to see you on down the road, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!